Choices are never easy. I've come to find that if a choice you make comes very easy to you, it's probably not the right one. Most often what you choose is going to be gut-wretching, tear-jerking, and possibly not popular and painful. What is so wrong with being unpopular? What are we all so mortally fearful of? Pray, seek God's will and make the choice He wants you to, no matter the cost. Freedom cost, as does restriction - I suppose it depends on what is more important to you.
I've often heard that people in prison become institutionalized by their walls and fences. I believe that with all of my heart. At first those walls cause fear, anxiety and denial, then they justify your reason for being there. At some point they start to not be so terrible and then they become familiar and almost comforting. This is how I feel in my house, except mine is backwards. Where my walls were once a comfort, they now cause fear. Fear of who I am becoming because of them. I have come to hate them, yet I cannot escape them. Most often a person resents another, but I resent my walls. As grateful as I am that I have them as shelter, they have isolated and institutionalized me.
Aside from God, is truth absolute anymore? It seems that people twist and turn things to fit their needs, as though there is no more black & white, right & wrong, only grey & justification. NOTHING in this life should ever be justified. You are either right or you're wrong, that's it. I've been wrong a great many times in my twenty-nine years, and I've regretted and learned from them all. Is there a truth still absolute? Yes, there are just not that many absolutely truthful people.
Compassion is the greatest form of love that humans have to offer. Treating others with an ounce of compassion isn't difficult. How are you to 'love your neighbour as yourself' if you do not love and respect yourself? People will never know how far a little kindness and mercy could go. Maybe they'll pay it forward and start a chain reaction of the same. The world could use a little more compassion in it. ALL love should be unconditional....but it's not.
I tried to make a bucket list, you know, a list of things to do before you die. I have one from when I was a kid, but I've crossed much off and other things are just not attainable. No biggie, new dreams! :) But I came to find my list was so outrageously long. I was born to stand out, I truly believe that (not arrogantly), and I believe I was born to do a great many things. If I had to name my greatest accomplishment thus far, it'd have to be my girls. I'm not the perfect Mom by any means, but I love them with all that I have. They are my little miracles; babies I was told I'd never have.
I'm so tired of hurting people. No matter what I say and do, someone gets hurt. Most often I feel like I'm standing in the middle of Times Square, screaming and no one even looks up. Every person continues to move, live and breathe as normal. I feel invisible in my own world. People listen, but they don't really hear. They hear what they want, which has caused me to be silent. People try and talk me out of feeling the way I do, but it doesn't work that way. It's no one's fault - I started screaming after my head was under water.
My life is my message. It's been a ride so far, but I've learned a lot and I think others can as well. I want to shine outside the walls of the church - after all, that is where the world waits. I want the power to effect change. To have people listen and hear and take what they need. I want to be used by God. I want to teach tolerance and respect to those who may not ever understand. Make me a servant Lord, humble and meek. May that always be my prayer.
Oftentimes our minds are closed to what God is trying to show and/or tell us. Despite being made in His image, we still think as humans. Abigail was beautiful and intelligent, but she was also humble and had a servant's heart. She was very brave and in learning about her, I was surprised by her honesty. I want to be wise, insightful, a good steward, unselfish, humble, trustworthy, obedient, have humility and good knowledge of the Lord's word. I want to be like Abigail.
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