Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Learning to Speak

Once a month I attend a Ladies Night that my Mom throws and I help with.  It's a great group of ladies from all different walks of life, and I've enjoyed each of the nights so far.  The next one coming up is all about family, being that we, as ladies, are a family.  We are supposed to speak about women in our life who have impacted us, so here is mine.

I've always kind of been the quiet one, which is odd because I'm also very loud.  I've shied away from 'spilling my guts' to close friends and relatives because I've been hurt in my life and I just didn't want to be hurt again.  But there have been plenty of places I've been where I've gone to my Mom, I'm very grateful for her.  She has one heck of a testimony and always dispenses great advice.  While I was thinking about what I would say, I came across some advice she gave me about 2 years ago.

"Don’t let the enemy steal your testimony. Don’t let him hold it in front of you like it is something to be ashamed of. You are a chosen woman of  God and He always wants you to experience the peace that He has for you.  Remember that everyone deserves a chance to be forgiven and we need to love them despite the wrongs they have committed.  All of us are given the same forgiveness and love from God, no one is turned away. There are seeds from the enemy to get you off track, change your direction, but God wants you to keep moving FORWARD in the plan He has for you.  Don’t let the distractions cause drama, fear, or anxiety in your life."

And even though it was advice given so long ago, it was a God-thing that I found it because I really needed to hear it today.  I am very blessed to have a Mom like her who is always willing to listen, I just need to learn to speak.

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